Blue Green, Canary & Rolling Updates Deployments in Kubernetes

Rohit Sharda aka Techiez Hub
7 min readMay 22, 2023


Blue-Green Deployments:

  • Blue-Green deployments involve running two identical environments (blue and green), where one is active (blue) and the other is inactive (green).
  • The new version of your application is deployed to the inactive environment (green) and undergoes thorough testing.
  • Once the new version is deemed stable and ready for production, traffic is switched from the active environment (blue) to the newly deployed version (green).
  • Blue-Green deployments provide a straightforward rollback process by switching back to the previous version (blue) if any issues arise.
  • This strategy provides minimal downtime during deployments since traffic can be quickly redirected.
  • It's beneficial for critical applications that require high availability and minimal disruption during updates.

Pros of Blue-Green Deployments:

  1. Minimal Downtime: Blue-Green deployments allow for zero or minimal downtime during updates. Users can seamlessly transition from the active environment (blue) to the updated version in the green environment, ensuring uninterrupted access to the service.
  2. Easy Rollback: In case of issues or unexpected behavior with the new version in the green environment, it’s straightforward to roll back to the previous version in the blue environment. This provides a quick and reliable rollback mechanism.
  3. Thorough Testing: Blue-Green deployments provide a dedicated environment (green) for testing the new version before making it live. This allows for comprehensive testing, including functional, performance, and integration tests, using real user traffic.
  4. Risk Mitigation: By running the new version in the green environment alongside the stable version in the blue environment, risks associated with untested or unstable releases are minimized. Issues can be identified and resolved in the green environment, reducing the impact on the majority of users.
  5. Controlled Rollout: Blue-Green deployments enable a controlled rollout process. Traffic can be gradually shifted from the blue environment to the green environment, ensuring a smooth and controlled transition for users.
  6. High Availability: Blue-Green deployments provide high availability by always keeping a stable environment (blue) active and ready to handle user traffic. This ensures continuous service availability even during updates or in case of issues in the green environment.

Cons of Blue-Green Deployments:

  1. Resource Duplication: Blue-Green deployments require running two identical environments simultaneously, which can result in resource duplication and increased infrastructure costs.
  2. Complexity: Implementing and managing Blue-Green deployments can introduce additional complexity compared to simpler deployment strategies. It requires managing two separate environments and coordinating the traffic switch between them.
  3. Infrastructure Overhead: Maintaining two environments (blue and green) requires additional infrastructure resources, such as servers, load balancers, and networking components, which can increase operational overhead.
  4. Longer Deployment Time: Blue-Green deployments involve provisioning and maintaining two environments during the update process. This can lead to longer deployment times compared to strategies that update a single environment.
  5. Synchronization Challenges: Ensuring synchronization between the blue and green environments, such as database schema changes or data replication, may introduce complexities and potential risks.

Canary Releases:

  • Canary releases involve gradually rolling out a new version of your application to a subset of users or traffic while keeping the majority of users on the stable version.
  • The new version is initially deployed to a small percentage of users, and their behavior and system metrics are closely monitored.
  • If the canary users exhibit positive results (e.g., low error rates, good performance), the new version can be gradually rolled out to a larger audience.
  • Canary releases allow for early detection of issues, as only a portion of users are exposed to potential problems.
  • This strategy is useful for validating new features, collecting feedback, and reducing the blast radius of potential issues.

Pros of Canary Deployments:

  1. Gradual Rollout: Canary deployments allow for a gradual and controlled rollout of new features or updates. You can initially release the new version to a subset of users or a specific percentage of traffic, minimizing the impact in case of issues or unexpected behavior.
  2. Early Issue Detection: By exposing a portion of users to the new version, Canary deployments enable early detection of issues, bugs, or performance problems. This provides an opportunity to gather feedback, monitor system metrics, and make necessary adjustments before a full rollout.
  3. User Feedback: Canary deployments offer the chance to collect valuable user feedback on the new version. This feedback can help identify any issues, gather insights, and make improvements before reaching a wider audience.
  4. Risk Mitigation: Canary deployments allow you to mitigate risks associated with major updates or significant changes. By limiting the exposure to a smaller user base, you can minimize the potential impact on the overall user experience.
  5. Flexible Rollback: If issues are identified during the canary phase, rolling back to the previous version or configuration is relatively straightforward. The impact is limited to the canary group, reducing the impact on the majority of users.
  6. Feature Validation: Canary deployments are useful for validating new features or changes in a real production environment. It allows you to gather real-world data and validate the impact and effectiveness of the changes before wider adoption.

Cons of Canary Deployments:

  1. Increased Complexity: Implementing and managing Canary deployments adds complexity to the deployment process. It requires careful planning, monitoring, and coordination to ensure a smooth transition and minimize any negative impact.
  2. Resource Overhead: Running multiple versions concurrently, even for a subset of users, can require additional resources such as servers, load balancers, and networking components, which can increase operational overhead and infrastructure costs.
  3. Deployment Delays: The gradual rollout nature of Canary deployments can lead to longer deployment times, as the release is staggered across different user groups or traffic segments.
  4. Maintenance and Monitoring: Managing multiple versions simultaneously requires continuous monitoring and maintenance efforts. This includes monitoring metrics, collecting feedback, and making necessary adjustments, which may increase operational complexity.
  5. Complexity in Distributed Systems: In distributed systems, ensuring consistency and synchronization between different versions can be challenging. Data schema changes, API compatibility, or database migrations may require careful coordination and additional considerations.

Rolling Updates:

  • Rolling updates involve incrementally updating the instances of your application while maintaining the availability of the service.
  • In this strategy, a new version of your application is deployed one instance at a time, with each new instance replacing an old one.
  • The rolling update process ensures that there is no downtime during the update, as the older instances are gradually replaced.
  • Rolling updates provide a smoother transition between versions and are well-suited for stateless applications that can easily scale and handle multiple instances.
  • It’s beneficial when you need to update your application without interrupting the service and require automatic scaling and self-healing capabilities.

Pros of Rolling Updates:

  1. Zero Downtime: Rolling updates in Kubernetes allow for seamless updates without any downtime. The rolling update strategy ensures that at least a minimum number of instances are available and running during the update process, ensuring uninterrupted service availability.
  2. Controlled Rollout: Rolling updates provide control over the update process. They allow you to specify the maximum number of unavailable instances at any given time, ensuring a gradual and controlled transition between versions.
  3. Gradual Transition: Rolling updates incrementally replace instances one by one, ensuring a smooth and gradual transition to the new version. This minimizes any potential impact on the overall user experience and system stability.
  4. Continuous Availability: Rolling updates ensure continuous availability of your application by maintaining a sufficient number of instances during the update process. This provides fault tolerance and allows the system to continue serving user requests.
  5. Efficient Resource Utilization: Rolling updates optimize resource utilization by updating instances in a rolling fashion. The strategy takes advantage of the elasticity and scalability of Kubernetes, automatically adjusting the number of instances as needed.
  6. Self-Healing Capabilities: Kubernetes monitors the health of the instances during a rolling update. If any instance fails or becomes unhealthy, Kubernetes automatically replaces it with a new instance, ensuring the system remains healthy and resilient.

Cons of Rolling Updates:

  1. Longer Deployment Time: Rolling updates can take longer to complete compared to other deployment strategies since instances are updated incrementally. The duration of the update process depends on factors such as the number of instances and the size of the containers.
  2. Temporary Version Incompatibilities: During a rolling update, there might be a temporary state where instances running different versions of the application are mixed. This could potentially lead to compatibility issues if there are breaking changes between versions.
  3. Complex Rollback Process: While rolling back a rolling update is possible, it can be more complex compared to other deployment strategies. Rolling back involves reverting the update process and ensuring consistency between instances running different versions.
  4. Synchronization Challenges: In some cases, synchronization or coordination challenges may arise during rolling updates. For example, if the update includes database schema changes, ensuring consistency across instances during the update process might require additional considerations.
  5. Blast Radius: Although rolling updates minimize downtime and impact, there is still a potential risk of issues affecting the instances being updated. If a critical issue arises during the update process, it can impact a subset of users or requests before the affected instances are replaced.

In summary, the choice between Blue-Green deployments, Canary releases, and Rolling updates depends on factors such as your application’s criticality, tolerance for downtime, need for immediate rollback, and deployment objectives. Assess your specific requirements and select the strategy that aligns best with your needs.



Rohit Sharda aka Techiez Hub
Rohit Sharda aka Techiez Hub

Written by Rohit Sharda aka Techiez Hub

Working as DevOps consultant. Following IAC & Containerization for automation. Follow for more ::

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